Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Strong Willed Child

I know that one day my strong willed child will be a good leader and stand strong behind what she believes in and good at making others listen and follow the mean time how do I get her to realize that I'm the one in charge?
She is very persistent in trying to get her point in and definitely the last word!  I have tried every type of discipline that I can think I was wondering what you other mom's do with your strong willed children.  I want to steer her in the right direction because what is her weakness now will someday be her strength.
I have spanked; grounded her from games, to her room, spending the night with her family; made her stand in the corner....what are your other suggestions.  Nothing seems to phase her or keep her from repeating the same the way she's 4!!

1 comment:

  1. I have a strong willed 3 year old grandson....very strong willed....and he likes to take his will out on his 16 month old brother and his toys. I have also made many attempts at curbing these behaviors. The only thing that stops him is when I ask him about Jesus. For instance, if he is throwing a toy at his brother I will ask him "Aiden, where are your Jesus loves me hands?" He will hold them up. Then I will ask him if Jesus would want those hands to be used to hurt someone...he will respond and 9 times out of 10 he will go tell his brother he is sorry on his own and begin to be more gentle. I also use the "Jesus loves me feet"...and "Jesus loves me words" and so on......honestly, it is the only behavior mod that has worked for him.....good luck, I know how frustrating it can be.
