Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter baskets

So the last two years I've really been trying to not do Easter baskets...honestly what's the point. My kids already get tons of candy and Easter stuff from their grandparents so my kids aren't being deprived my no means. But then when the day before Easter hits I always feel obligated to get my kids really it's a battle within myself not with my kids...does everybody out there do Easter baskets for their kids...or do you have some other great tradition you do with your kids I can use?


  1. well talk to my mom, she still makes us Easter baskets and I am 28 and Jess is 30! you have got a long way to go! :)

  2. lol...I have struggled over the years as well.....this year I just became really convicted as to the "reason for the season"....instead of the basket full of stuff, they only got a few items each--like one chocolate thingy and some reeses pieces and sidewalk chalk--I know that many thought I was crazy, but it really bothered me to hear the younger ones talking about the easter my husband and I took the kids to church(before easter candy)and on the way explained again what Easter is and why we are celebrating....of course, the relatives still loaded them with goodies, but I felt so much better knowing that by the end of the day they really understood how much they mean to God!and how great a Savior is Jesus!
